First draft plan for the year. It isn’t really a fixed plan, rather it just helps me prioritise and identify those things I want to start thinking about.
It also helps me clarify to myself what I probably won’t do in 2024. Things that are hanging around in my head that didn’t make the cut include
Wargames: Extending the AWI armies, finishing my WW2 Belgian force, completing the 10mm DBN 1809 armies, 15mm DBA stuff, 25mm vintage goblin hordes and splashing out loads on random new projects
RPGs: Some sort of sword and sorcery city campaign, Cold Fire Withing (Pulp Cthulhu), Cults of Cthulhu or something with Mythras
So here are the initial plans and some pictures to bring them to life (and remind me of what’s involved!)


looks like some good plans.. enjoy your year.