For Christmas I was very excited to receive* a copy of the Know The Game… Read the postKNOW THE GAME: WARGAMING
A bit of a mojo-less afternoon so I have started some prep work for my… Read the postOldhammer Skeleton Chariots
Joining the prepping and painting queue this month is the second phase of my vintage… Read the postMacedonians Phase Two
Superglue, that wonderful invention for sticking your fingers to your earlobe. It only has a… Read the postGetting to the bottom of superglue
Battle magazine went through a number of iterations in the 1970s and early 1980s, as… Read the postBattle for Wargamers, Good and Bad but first, the very Ugly
I’m planning to run a game at Grogmeet 2023 in November, This will be my… Read the postMatrons of Quatermass-tery